The smiling face emoji was invented for property managers hosting their meetings with us.
Choosing the right technology for your virtual meeting? This is your stop. We offer all the features you need to run a successful virtual meeting and comprehensive support to keep your mind at peace. Focus on delivering your message to stakeholders. Our client-loved moderators will handle the rest.
With CondoVoter Meeting, you get:

Setup and Administration
Video conferencing hosting and setup
Phone dial-in for meetings
RSVP tracking
Post-meeting board meeting (free)

Registration & Reminders
Unit owner registration and authentication
Notice delivery by email
Email reminder campaigns
eConsent collection

Post-meeting reporting (attendance, registration, survey results, Q&A, polling and chat)
Meeting recording
Audio transcripts

Fully-managed meeting
Practice session for panelists
A Dedicated Moderator will join your meeting to provide full support, monitor polls, chat, motions, and Q&A.